I figure i'd do a page on diet pills since i spent a year trying some out and then quitting because i've gained up to 10 lbs in the last year lost 3 but still 7 lbs away from where i was when i started tryout diet pills. That's what I get for thinking i can cheat, weight gain that is difficult to get rid of, go figure.
I've tried 2 types of diet pills I mean types because i'm not going by brand but by chemical compounds/ cockails
Type #1: Chromium (often in conjunction with caffiene and or green tea) containing diet pills
There are lots and lots and lots of diet products out there that feature chromium as a key ingriedient in the weightloss mix (usually accompanied by caffiene and some kind of green tea extract). There is a give and take with these kinds of pill. Chromium does crub hunger as it is avertisted in my experiance. HOWEVER, IT DOES THIS BY MAKING YOUR BODY MORE SENSITIVE TO INSULIN!!! Its like the supidest way to loose weight in my opinion. Sure it makes you less hungry, but in the process you body absorbes all the carbs in you blood as FAT. Remember kitties, insulin is the diet enemy. Insulin is the hormone that tells your body to store fat. I mean, look at all the people with type 1 diabetes (born with diabetes). Before they were diagnosed and given insulin injections, they are skinny as fuck because their body can't absorb carbs. Then after they get the insulin supplements they gain like a million pounds. The only positive thing about the chromium supplements it is does stabilize your mood. I noticed for the year that i was taking chromium i never felt anxious, where as before i was always so anxious that i wish someone would shove a deep sedative into my arm.
So in all, if you think anxiety is the main thing that leads to binging then maybe you should try chromium, it's cheap and they weight gain isn't noticeable if you can manage to stop over eating.
Type #2: Caffiene and theromogylcemic diet pills
These kinds of diet pill often advertises for maxiumum fat burn or prolonged post workout fat burn. These pills work by speeding up your metabolism. You'll notice that if you take these and you have a small body size that the effects will be amplified. For example, i weighted about 100lbs and for me, after i take one of these, i start sweating and getting hot, even when i'm doing homework. I notices that my heart beats faster and i want to run. I hate running but i actually just wanna run till my legs fall off. Now this may sound good, and sometimes it is, but, this responce is essentially a panic attack. I felt really stressed with my environment and i just felt like running away from everything. This is BAD. Why bad? Because to induce and instantaneous panic attack is to induce a sudden explosion of stress. Who isn't stress out enough as it is? Why would you want to fell even more stressed to the point that you just have to run away from everything? Plus stress is a HUGE trigger for a binge. Who doesn't stress eat? I would like to know. I do have a history of panic attacks and trust me, they are not pleasent experiances. They pretty much fuck up my day because i basically drop everything that i am currently doing and try to soothe myself until it tapers off (usually after a few hours).
So what i've learned the hard way is: diet pills suck, they don't work, they just screw up what you've been working towards. better off to stick to coffee, tea, crystal lite, and water.