Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Motivation: ugly bitch ho reh-tards

So my motivation for becoming bones: to separate myself as much as I physically can from these incompetent ugly ass fuck tards: (reverse thinspo)

I know i probably sound really shallow right now. Well the truth is, I honestly don't judge someone by their weight, it's only when i have a problem with their personality, or presence that i go apeshit on hating them.  Once i find someone irritating, everything thing about them becomes a target of my irritation. the fact that they are in my opinion, ugly as fuck, only bothers me because i don't like who they are. (these are all girls by the way, and no i am not fucking kidding). I mean most of my friends are bigger than i am and it doesn't bother me at all, i don't think being fat or thin says anything about who you are as a person. I don't associate fat with lazy, stupid, ugly, unhealthy. No, fat and ugly only bother me when i already don't like who they are as a person. I mean after all, do you feel like being around someone that who in your opinion is (a/an)bitch,disgusting,immoral,socialretard,dumbass,oldman,incompetent,irritating,ho,ect]? I would think not.

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