Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bulimia--kicking the habit: today I have a choice.

OK, this is my first ana mia blog. I am currently bulimic, I used to be both anorexic and bulimic. I'm currently working on a  10 week no binge diet. Basically, my standard diet that I've been on since I became anorexic minus the binging/purging and chewing/spitting. Essentially my goal is to stop abusing food like a drug.
Motivations for this diet:
- my bulimia is getting out of hand and is wrecking my body in terms of weight, my teeth, energy levels, sleep habits ect.
- bulimia costs to fucking much
- because of the b/p and c/s cycles and all of their consequences i've gained up to 10 lbs since before my bulimia. I hope to regain my 93lb body, or perhaps lower my weight even more. I was able to maintain 93 lb even with minor/bulimic tendencies. So I'm hoping that if I can give up my bulimic behaviors that I can acheive ultimately 90lbs. I'm about 100 lbs right now, sometimes I'm heavier if I've eaten to much food, or to much salt, or if' I've been having a rough time. But 10 lbs in 10 weeks is my goal so by may 26 I hope to be 90 lbs.
So far I've gone 5 whole days without binging, purging, c/s, without any food abuse basically and I'm really proud of that, I don't think I've gone more than 3 days without food abuse since, idk 2009? except for once last June, but that was because I was with friends 24 hours a day.

If anyone wants to join me on my 10 week endevor comment or message me and we can work together on it.
Here's some summer thinspo for motivation.

1 comment:

  1. how do you weigh so little, im inspired.
    but how tall are you?
