omg this pain has kept me half awake all night but at least i didn't give in to it. after last nights post i had a cup of veggie soup and 1 slice of ham because i was starving along with another 6 cups of low calorie drinks (under 15 cals per cup) but i still wasn't able to really sleep. I swear with the amount of liquid i drink (10-16 cups/day) i'm almost never dehydrated. the only times i get dehydrated is after purging for like a hour. at most i've had 700 calories since i started my fast (32 hours ago) i won't have anything but hot tea until the fast is over. i've burned of 400 calories (1 hour biking, 80 minutes walking) in the last 32 hours exercising, leaving me a net of 300. I guess to some girls this isn't really fasting, but to me it is. I'm gonna try to hit the gym one more time before my fast is over (10 am i decided to push it back 2 hours). Then i'm going to eat sushi at noon but no rolls. i hate rolls they are full of fat and carbs. no i'm gonna have sashimi and nigiri, along with maybe some soybeans. hopefully keep the meal satisfying and under 300 calories.
but yeah, i feel a lot lighter after this fast, even if i don't lose any fat from it, all the fluids and raw veggies flush out my body so i feel empty (i swear i lost like 3lbs worth of crap yesterday from drinking so much in the morning but it's good, i feel clean and less bloated). I can see the muscle definition in my upper and lower stomach which for me is an indicator that my intestines are pretty empty. I know this sounds gross but i'm a bio major wanting to go into physiology so this kind of thing is like to me all factual rather than disgusting. but even if this doesn't help me loose fat, the debloating aspect of it is very comforting not to mention since weekends are when i'm most likely to binge, it's like giving my body a break from eating way to much. but yeah, hopefully we'll do this every week from here on out.
I'm 102 lbs right now, that's down 1.5 lbs
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