Friday, September 2, 2011

8am, the day has just started...

and today is going to great!!! or at least i'm gonna try my hardedst make it great!!! i'm 102.5 today though i feel like it's higher that it actually is. i had alot of salt late last night after my workout, as well as like 4 cups of water in the hour before bed. I feel a little water bloated. water boated is like being food bloated without feeling sick and stuffed. but anyways, I'm going to make today great because if i don't i know it's gonna suck balls. Today i have molecular bio class which i hate, and the final for the class 2 hours after it -.- I generally like bio hence i'm a bio major but molecular bio and bio chem are to classes that just suck anyway you look at it. but yeah, and then after that i've gotta pack up my apartment cuz tmr morning i'm moving out and driving home (7 hour drive). So after today i probably wont be online again till sunday? unless i feel the urge to get online which i might. I've been very addicted to tumblr recently.... but yea, now marks the begining of many challenges to come: 1. bio test that is gonna murder me unless i murder it, 2.moving back home into a house full of food @.@ which is why i hate home (i hate it cuz of ana and mia, if it weren't for them i wouldn't mind). 3. moving back home is super difficult because my family has homemade dinner every single night and i'm not allowed to skip, plus the food at home is very different from what i eat in my apartment.

In my apartment i do my best to keep all the bad foods out, they are usually only present if i'm binging currently. On a day where i dont' binge or over eat the only things i have are some fruits, lettuce, cumbers, carrots, maybe milk and heavy cream, tomatos, and thats about it. I've found that these are the foods i'm ok with eating, that i won't binge on (sometimes i do binge fruit if i'm desparate usually cantalopes, bananas, strawberries, and mangos i have issues with). Plus eating these foods makes me feel idk clean. I think it's cuz theres' no salt or processed sugars or starches. As far as salt goes i feel like i eat a fuck ton of salt but i think it's because all the salt i eat is salt i pour onto my drinks. I'm sure anyone watching me make my drinks would think i'm totally crazy for putting all this salt in them and it's not like a pinch it's like a few sprinkles, taste and a few more sprinkles... from the salt carton even. But then again, i guess it only seems that i eat to much salt because i drink like on average around 12-14 cups of fluids a day, plus lots of raw fruit and veggies everyday, even on binge days, plus all the sweating from workouts, plus all my food is virtually salt free... even my binge foods, they aren't salty foods. So i guess i do need all the salt that i drink. i know when i don't drink my salt, i can feel that i need salt, my head feels all watery ( that feeling when you've workout long and hard and then chug a bottle and an half of plain water). but yea, it's either salty drinks after a workout or eat my way through a jar of pickles, which i do do sometimes, pickles (as an asian, i eat a huge variety of different pickles cuz asians pickle everything... and they are delicious) are my favorite post workout food, they are super filling, calorie free, and especially delicious if you sweat alot and thus are low on salt. plus to me if you put ketchup on dill pickles it gives me the satisfaction of hamburgers without eating a hamburger.

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