I'm not going to put up pictures lol cuz that would be kinda risky, but i dyed my hair red, and when i was washing out the dye, the bathtub was this brilliant blood red. Seriously was a tub of blood red. lol but now my hair is a black cherry red and my friend's hair is a vivid purple under normal light and electric blue under florescent light. As you might have figured out it is a friday..... that means that i have another weekend to watch out for. So, i'm going to try to have a decent weekend. As of right now i don't have any dangerous foods in my room except for uncooked rice. Hopefully i won't get to desperate and spend an hour making rice to chew it up and spit it out. I don't have enough fruits to get me through till monday but i'm debating whether buying more is a good idea or not because i know that i will abuse fruit if i get desperate. Decisions..... i haven't abused food much since tuesday if my memory serves me. I have abused it some, but i haven't went and legitimatel binged and purged or bought a bunch of food and sat in my room to for hours afterwards chewing and spitting. Chewing and spitting i swear is a really hardcore addiction. Even if i am feeling ok, i still want it. Binging and purging is more like to drown out a feeling or thought but chewing and spitting most of the time i just want it and i dont' have a reason. I guess i'm just addicted to it. I need to think of some motivation to ditch it or at least lessen my craving for it. Recently i was looking at some of my old photos before when i was heavier and not addicted to chewing and spitting, my face looks so much thinner back then ironically. I guess it's the swollen glands and over used jaw muscles. T.T My motivation is i need to work on my V line, even when i was thin i lost the V line because of the chewing a spitting and purging.... gotta work on that shit.
Speaking of shit.... I'm taking a medical greek and latin class right now cuz i think it will be useful for me cuz i'm a science major, and yesterday i learned a new insult. You should all use it to cuz it's fucking hilarious: Coprolith, it's one of the nastier words we have to learn and it literally means 'shit stone', so now you can go around calling all those fucktards Coproliths.
God don't we love the greeks they has some sick words
--more on greek humor later
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