Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sometimes I wish I could do what all the other rich asian girls in Korea do

It's so frustrating to be thin in America. Everywhere you turn people encourage you become fat in some way or another. 'Eat all this ___ and eat all that___ because it'll help you loose weight' LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'm sorry but almonds and whole grains will not help you loose weight anymore than inhaling brownies. They tell you to finish what's on your plate, they tell you to indulge on EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! They sell huge amounts of food for only 2 or 3 dollars. I wish this could be like korea sometimes. They tell you to be thinner and thinner, to diet, to look pretty all the time. And when you just cant stand the dieting any more they just tell you to get plastic surgery which is cheap as fuck and that way you hardly have to try and you'll look perfect. Look at all those kpop stars with their full body plastic surgery. They all will look perfect for life for a cost that is only a fraction of the cost here. They don't live in a world where everyone around them is trying to make them fat. Don't you hate it when people say 'oh you're so skinny you should eat something' it soo obvious that they aren't looking out for you health, they're just trying to sabotage you. God i hate america, land of the fat asses and bitches. That's why american's are huge. Every company out there is trying to make us fat in order to sell us solutions that they know won't work. Mean while exercise is something that isn't part of everyday life and everyone is trying to sabotage each other.


  1. I like this. It seems more like the truth than all the people saying "America puts too much pressure on women to be thinner."

  2. I know, that phrase is such bullshit. I mean Korea and Japan put a shit ton of pressure on girls to be thin (which is why the obessity rate in japan is only 3% yet they are passing actual laws that stigmatize weight gain [waist measurements are not part of the physical exam]). over 25% of the women there have a bmi under 18.5 but less than 3% are over weight. yet they focucs on that 3% rather than the 25% of the women who are 'too thin' which obviously isn't a problem. and while 25% of japanese women are under weight, 75% of women in japan think they are overweight. To ad to that, japanese clothes only come in 2 sizes... not 00-20+, yeah, american puts too much pressure on women to be thin my size 00 ass.

  3. I'm an outsider coming from a European country but I know exactly what you are taking about since my fiancee is Japanese and we're currently residing in the US.
    1. Food is available everywhere and at any time in US!! It's not about quality it's about quantity.
    2. Japan and Korea's problem is rooted in the extreme patriarchy and conformity that the countries dictates. Not to mention the western influences, which are bullshit!
    3. ... I just hope we can reach our own happiness and although we are bombarded with stupid TV-commercials and ideals, we should stick together and try to help each other no matter where we are from. :)

    Peace out!
