Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Starting a new diet!! I'm so excited!!

Soo, seeing as i haven't lost any weight with all the days of 800 calorie weekdays and 3498673409238 calorie weekends... I spent like 3 hours today designing a new diet. It's based off of the way i used to live when was 93 lbs. I'm calling it the Retro-Diet because it' based off of my past. It's a 800-1000 calories per day diet, no fasting, no skipping meals, and it has a binge prevention plan.

When i was 93lbs bmi 17.5, i ate about 1200-1300 calories a day, and exercised about the same amount that i do now, but some how i'm 7 lbs heavier and I can't seem to shake it. So i figure, its not the calories in and calories out, it's the when, how, and what. I mean, last year i ate in the dining halls at school because freshman are forced to by a meal plan. Dining halls is basically  huge buffet full of cookies, icecream, belgium waffles, cake, burgers, pizzas, bagels, peanut butter, brownies, cereal, pasta with a megafuckton of cheese, pot pies, paninis (aka grilled fat sandwhich), and mashed potatos. Sounds terrible right? Sounds like a fattening camp? Well it easily could be, but i managed to lose 3 lbs eating in that place in 2 months... its about the when, how, and what.

Personally i find it difficult to eat in public, much less a buffet, i'm sure most of us ED girls do. But i realize now that the reason why i lost weight eating in a buffet is because i don't want other people to see the way i eat so i would go during off hours when i wasn't crowded (earlier the better). this would also let me pay attention to myself, eating in public i know i can't binge because theres nowhere to purge. So i would eat more conciously. Also since i would go early, it would get more crowded as time goes giving me a time limit.

Is it weird that i eat better when i'm in public alone(healthier and less)? Know that you can't purge after and that people are watching you makes it to scary to binge. The other part was that i would drink like 4-6 cups of water while i was still feeling strong so by the time i finished eating my healthy staples (plain salad, egg whites, raw broccoli, carrot sticks and pickles) i felt to full to eat another bite. Another thing i did was if i did pick up that slice of cake, i would make it unedible before i could eat it or after the first bite (smash it into cruddy napkins, or between plates, or put gravy/meat on it or something gross like that) then i would just toss it away.

I'm so excited, i want my old body back.

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